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Table 3 Sternal precautions recommended for the healing period during the first postoperative weeks after cardiac surgery.

From: Physiotherapy-supervised mobilization and exercise following cardiac surgery: a national questionnaire survey in Sweden

Patients are not allowed to use:

n (%)

their arms to push up from a lying to a sitting position

5 (17%)

their arms to push up from sitting to standing

28 (97%)

their stomach muscles to raise themselves from a lying to a sitting position

12 (41%)

their arms and shoulders, using full active movement

1 (3%)

their arms and shoulders, using full active movement with 1-2 kg weights

12 (41%)

a rollator (rolling walker)

1 (3%)

a walker

0 (0%)


19 (66%)

  1. Data shown as number (n) and as % of respondents (n = 29).