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Table 2 Efficacy of ondasetron and haloperidol

From: Ondasetron versus haloperidol for the treatment of postcardiotomy delirium: a prospective, randomized, double-blinded study

Ondasetron group mean rating prior to application

Ondasetron group mean rating after application

Statistical Significance

3.1 ± 0.4

1.2 ± 0.1

p < 0.01

Haloperidol group mean rating prior to application

Haloperidol group mean rating after application

Statistical Significance

3.1 ± 0.4

1.3 ± 0.1

p < 0.01

Ondasetron effect on rating(improvement in percentage)

Haloperidol effect on rating(improvement in percentage)

Statistical significance




Ondasetron patients that remained delirious, n = 7

Haloperidol patients that remained delirious, n = 6


  1. The table shows pre-and post application test score ratings for both ondasetron and haloperidol groups; in addition, the comparison in improvement percentage rates between the two groups with statistical significance is also depicted. The t-student (paired) criterion was used for the detection of pre-and postapplication test scoring differences within each group. The ANOVA continuous measurements and the comparison of percentages methods were applied for the comparison of test scoring improvement between the two groups. Level of statistical significance was set at a value for p < 0.05.