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Table 1 Patient characteristics on the day of SLB (n = 16)

From: The utility of surgical lung biopsy in cancer patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome

Age, mean±SD

55 ± 15

Male gender, n (%)

12 (75)

APACHE II on ICU admission, mean±SD

21 ± 5

Characteristics of the malignancy, n (%)


  Hematologic malignancy

10 (62.5)

  Solid tumor

6 (37.5)

Status of the malignancy at the day of SLB


  Recent diagnosis in 3 months

3 (19)

  Stable disease

5 (31)

  Progression disease

8 (50)

Chemotherapy in one month, n (%)

8 (50)

HRCT before SLB, n (%)

10 (62.5)

BAL before SLB, n (%)

15 (93.8)

PaO2/FiO2 ratio (mmHg), mean±SD

143 ± 55

PEEP (cm H2O), mean±SD

10.9 ± 2.2

Tidal volume (ml/kg PBW)

7.3 ± 1.2

ALI score, mean±SD

3.1 ± 0.3

Days from ARDS onset to SLB, mean±SD

3.0 ± 1.5

Mechanical ventilator days

10.1 ± 6.6

ICU length of stay

11.3 ± 6.3

Hospital length of stay

31.6 ± 18.6

  1. SLB: surgical lung biopsy; APACHE II: Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II; HRCT: high-resolution computed tomography; BAL: bronchoalveolar lavage; PaO2: arterial partial pressure of oxygen; FiO2: fraction of inspired oxygen; PEEP: positive-end expiratory pressure; PBW: predict body weight; ALI: acute lung injury.