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Table 1 Patient’s characteristics

From: Coronary artery bypass grafting in young patients - insights into a distinct entity

Patient’s characteristics:

Age, years

46.98 (range from: 24–49)

Sex, male (%)

102 (81)

Left ventricular ejection fraction in % (± SD)

55.5 (±13.8)

Poor LV-EF (35% or below)

15 (12)

Creatinine (± SD)

85.6 (±66.9)

CK U/l (± SD)

375.9 (±1072)

CK-MB U/l (± SD)

45.4 (±96.1)

Pre-op renal insufficiancy (%)

12 (10)

Pre-op dialysis (%)

3 (2)

Arterial hypertension (%)

97 (77)

Nicotine abuse (%)

99 (79)

Hyperlipidaemia (%)

89 (71)

Diabetes mellitus (%)

25 (20)

Obesity (%)

43 (34)

Emergency (%)

30 (25)

Urgent (%)

35 (27)

Elective (%)

61 (48)

Non-ST-elevation acute coronary syndrome (%)

25 (20)

Recent STEMI (%)

25 (20)

Unstable angina (%)

33 (26)

Stable angina (%)

43 (34)

Previous PTCA/Stent (%)

36 (28)

Unsuccessful previous PTCA/Stent attempt (%)

3 (2)


17 (14)


6 (5)

Cardiac Re-do

2 (2)

  1. Continuous variables are presented with the standard deviation or median with range (age), categoric variables are presented as number (%).
  2. LV-EF (Left-ventricular ejection fraction), CK (creatinine kinase), CK-MB (muscle-brain creatinine kinase), STEMI (ST-elevation myocardial infarction), IABP(intraaortic ballon pump), ECLS (Extracorporal Life Support System), PTCA (percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty).