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Table 2 Occurrence of postoperative bleeding complications overall split into before and after start of anticoagulation, and summing up

From: Bleeding complications after cardiac surgery, before anticoagulation start and then with argatroban or heparin in the early postoperative setting


study population

heparin (H)

argatroban (A)

H vs. A p-value

switched (S)

H vs. S p-value



100% (215/215)


66.5% total (143/215)


20% total (43/215)



13.5% total (29/215)


postoperative bleeding complication before initiation of anticoagulation

14.4% (31/215)

7.7% group (11/143)

32.5% group (14/43)


20.7% group (6/29)


5.1% total (11/215)

6.5% total (14/215)

2.8% total (6/215)

postoperative bleeding complication after initiation of anticoagulation

12.1% (26/215)

9.8% group (14/143)

14.0% group (6/43)

n.s. (0.413)

20.7% group (6/29)

n.s. (0.113)

6.5% total (14/215)

2.8% total (6/215)

2.8% total (6/215)

postoperative bleeding complication total

26.5% (57/215)

17.5% group (25/143)

46.5% group (20/43)

< 0.001

41.4% group (12/29)


11.6% total (25/215)

9.3% total (20/215)

5.6% total (12/215)

  1. Values reaching significance are merked bold