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Table 5 Comparison of perioperative hemodynamics in three groups of fetal sheep (\( \overline{\mathrm{x}} \) ± s)

From: Effect of different cardioprotective methods on extracorporeal circulation in fetal sheep: a randomized controlled trial







Heart rates (bpm)

 ECC-only group

173.1 ± 20.10

169.1 ± 17.18

171.7 ± 22.21

171.5 ± 18.58

178.1 ± 10.12

 STH Group

175.0 ± 15.12

110.3 ± 22.10*

177.5 ± 17.14

173.2 ± 19.56

 HTK Group

174.6 ± 21.00

151.1 ± 19.99*#

174.2 ± 15.11

177.8 ± 11.16

Average Arterial Pressure (mmHg)

 ECC-only group

57.1 ± 15.67

57.3 ± 17.42

56.9 ± 19.11

57.1 ± 15.12

56.5 ± 18.36

 STH Group

56.9 ± 13.81

57.5 ± 13.55

50.0 ± 16.11*

59.5 ± 17.22

57.1 ± 16.39

 HTK Group

56.9 ± 16.85

56.6 ± 17.34

58.0 ± 19.73#

58.2 ± 16.55

56.8 ± 15.93

ECC flow rate (mL/kg/min)

 ECC-only group

101.5 ± 29.22

 STH Group

114.9 ± 28.45‡

 HTK Group

113.3 ± 29.76‡

  1. EC Extracorporeal circulation
  2. T1: Before start of ECC.
  3. T2: 30 min of ECC.
  4. T3: 60 min of ECC.
  5. T4: 60 min after ECC shutdown.
  6. T5: 120 min after ECC shutdown.
  7. * P < 0.05, compared with the pre-ECC; #P < 0.05, compared with the STH group; ‡ P < 0.05, compared with the ECC-only group