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Table 1 Preoperative factors

From: Preoperative patient factors associated with blood product use in cardiac surgery, a retrospective cohort study

Patient related factors

Preoperative cardiac status

Body mass index (BMI m/kg2)

New York Heart Association (NYHA) class

Age (years)

Preoperative haemoglobin (g/L)

Diabetes mellitus (yes/no)

Anticoagulant use less than 24 h preoperatively (yes/no)c

Renal dialysis at the time of operation (yes/no)

Non Valve/CABG procedure (yes/no)

History of smoking (yes/no)

Previous cardiothoracic intervention (yes/no)

Total body surface areaa (TBSA m2)

Presence of cardiogenic shock preoperatively

Presence of respiratory diseaseb (yes/no)

Antiplatelet less than 24 h preoperativelyd

Gender (male/female)

Preoperative creatinine clearance

  1. aTBSA is calculated by 0.007184 × HTM0.725 × WKG0.42 where weight (WKG) and height (HTM) are available. Units in m2
  2. bEither mild: patient is on chronic inhaled or oral bronchodilator therapy moderate: patient is on chronic oral steroid therapy directed at lung disease. Severe: p02 on room air < 60 or pC02 on room air > 50 or mechanical ventilation for chronic lung disease
  3. cThe use of warfarin/heparin/LMWH/thrombin inhibitors and or factor Xa inhibitors within 24 h of surgery
  4. dThe use of Ticagrelor or Clopidogrel within 24 h of surgery