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Table 1 Characteristics of patients

From: Impact of GERAADA score in patients with acute type A aortic dissection



Factors in GERAADA score

Age > 75 (%)

26 (26)

Sex (male, %)

67 (66)

Previous cardiac surgery (%)

5 (5)

Resuscitation before surgery (%)

6 (6)

Intubation at referral (%)

6 (6)

Catecholamines at referral (%)

5 (5)

Aortic valve regurgitation (moderate to severe) (%)

22 (22)

Preoperative organ malperfusion (%)

41 (41)

Preoperative hemiparesis (%)

21 (21)

Extension of dissection, Asc: Arch: Des (%)

12 (12): 7 (7): 82 (81)

Location of primary entry tear within aortic arch, Asc: Arch: Des (%)

44 (44): 56 (55): 1 (1)

Factors not in GERAADA score

Hypertension (%)

72 (71)

Smoking (%)

55 (54)

Chronic respiratory disease (%)

8 (8)

hemodialysis (%)

11 (11)

Coronary artery disease (%)

6 (6)

Cerebrovascular disease (%)

6 (6)

Family history (%)

3 (3)

Referral from other hospital (%)

59 (58)

Spouse or partner (%)

60 (59)

Cohabitant (%)

70 (69)

Time from onset to arrival at the hospital (minutes)

187 (24–1020)

Time from onset to arrival at the operating room (minutes)

291 (101–1257)

  1. Asc, ascending aorta; Arch, Aortic arch; Des, descending aorta; GERAADA, German Registry for Acute Aortic Dissection Type A