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Table 3 Post-operative death of included studies

From: Sutureless technique versus conventional surgery in the primary treatment of total anomalous pulmonary venous connection: a systematic review and meta-analysis


Post-operative death(n)

Gao [8]


Cui [9]

1 SVC thrombosis; 1 LCOS; 8 PVO

Shi [10]

10 LCOS; 10 PAH; 5 respiratory failure; 4 MODS; 1 intracranial hemorrhage; 1 sepsis; 10 PVO; 4 death with unknown causes; 2 none-cardiac death; 4 failed to recover from bypass

Yamashita [11]

3 PVO; 1 bleeding

Yanagawa [12]

1 none-cardiac death; 1 PVO

Honjo [13]

2 sudden cardiac arrest; 2 PVO; 1 LCOS

Lo Rito [14]

4 LCOS; 3 refractory arrhythmia; 3 PAH; 1 PE; 1 sepsis; 4 PVO; 5 comorbidities without evidence of PVO

  1. a Only the numbers of death was available and the details of post-operative death were absent
  2. SVC superior vena cava, LCOS Low cardiac output syndrome, PVO Pulmonary vein obstruction, PAH Pulmonary artery hypertension, MODS Multiple organs dysfunction syndrome, PE Pulmonary artery embolism, NA Not available