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Table 2 Intraoperative hemodynamic changes

From: A comparative study of thoracoscopic and open surgery of congenital diaphragmatic hernia in neonates


MAP (mmHg)

HR (time / min)

Control group (n = 44)

Observation group (n = 26)

Control group (n = 44)

Observation group (n = 26)

Before induction

60.13 ± 8.94

62.56 ± 12.62

137.96 ± 14.65

137.98 ± 17.45

After induction

53.56 ± 10.16

54.12 ± 13.37

121.64 ± 14.57

120.22 ± 13.08

After surgery

 10 min

77.91 ± 15.47ab

57.26 ± 19.94

136.56 ± 11.87ab

117.83 ± 13.95

 60 min

75.22 ± 13.44ab

59.12 ± 15.47

130.54 ± 14.76ab

120.35 ± 15.63

 120 min

77.12 ± 13.14ab

62.33 ± 10.95

135.13 ± 15.35ab

120.92 ± 13.15

  1. aP < 0.001, compared within the same group after induction; bP < 0.001, compared with observation group. HR heart rate, MAP mean arterial pressure