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Table 3 Forward conditional logistic regression for in-hospital mortality

From: Preoperative uric acid predicts in-hospital death in patients with acute type a aortic dissection

Clinical variables

OR (95% CI)

p value

Age (year)

1.063 (1.016–1.112)


UA (umol/L)

1.006 (1.002–1.010)


D-dimer (ug/mL FEU)

1.025 (1.005–1.013)


Operation time (min)

1.009 (1.005–1.013)

< 0.001

Extent of aortic replacement*

0.412 (0.220–0.768)


  1. UA uric acid, HCA hypothermic circulatory arrest
  2. *Categorical variable, total arch replacement was defined as “1”, hemiarch replacement was defined as “2”, ascending aortic replacement was defined as “3”