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Table 1 Demographic and clinical characteristics of patients undergoing minimally invasive esophagectomy (N = 142)

From: A refined procedure for esophageal resection using a full minimally invasive approach




Age at time of surgery [years]

 Mean (SD)

64.5 (9.6)

 Median (IQR)

66.5 (59–70)

Male gender [N (%)]

121 (85.2%)

BMI [kg/m2]

 Mean (SD)

27.4 (5.4)

Race [N (%)]


7 (4.9%)


12 (8.5%)

 Native American

1 (0.7%)


122 (85.9%)

Hispanic [N (%)]

10 (7.0%)

Clinical characteristics

Primary site [N (%)]

 Mid-thoracic esophagus

13 (9.2%)

 Lower thoracic esophagus

76 (53.5%)

 Gastroesophageal junction

53 (37.3%)

Histology [N (%)]


127 (89.4%)

 Squamous cell carcinoma

11 (7.8%)


4 (2.8%)

Clinical stage [N (%)]


 Stage 0

2 (1.4%)

 Stage I

10 (7.0%)

 Stage IIa

4 (2.8%)

 Stage IIb

9 (6.3%)

 Stage III

85 (59.9%)

 Stage IVA

32 (22.5%)

 Stage IVB

0 (0%)

Pathologic stage [N (%)]

 Stage 0

28 (19.7%)

 Stage I

22 (15.5%)

 Stage IIa

7 (4.9%)

 Stage IIb

17 (12.0%)

 Stage III

39 (27.5%)

 Stage IVA

28 (19.7%)

 Stage IVB

1 (0.7%)

Regional lymph nodes involved (Clinical staging) [N (%)]

87 (61.3%)

Regional lymph nodes involved (Pathologic staging) [N (%)]

53 (37.3%)

ECOG performance status [N (%)]


42 (29.6%)


48 (33.8%)


12 (8.5%)


40 (28.2%)

Neoadjuvant therapy [N (%)]

 Radiation therapy only

1 (0.7%)

 Chemotherapy only

15 (10.6%)


109 (76.8%)


17 (12.0%)

Preoperative ASA Category [N (%)]


0 (0%)


50 (35.2%)


91 (64.1%)


1 (0.7%)


0 (0%)

Clinical comorbidities [N (%)]


87 (61.3%)


47 (33.1%)

Coronary artery disease

43 (30.3%)

Heart failure

8 (5.6%)

Chronic renal insufficiency

26 (18.3%)

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

13 (9.2%)

Stroke/Transient ischemic attack

4 (2.8%)

Charlson-Quan Comorbidity Index

 Mean (SD)

6.0 (5.6–6.4)

 Median (IQR)

7 (4–8)

  1. ASA American Society of Anesthesiologists, BMI Body Mass Index, ECOG Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group, IQR Interquartile range, SD standard deviation