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Table 2 Frequency of outcomes

From: Prognostic significance of positive family history in outcomes after coronary artery bypass grafting: Do we need to update our assumptions?

 Total (n = 13,156)

With FHpCVD (n = 2684)

Without FHpCVD (n = 10,472)

 All-cause mortality

295 (11%)

1583 (15.1%)

 Non-fatal CVEs

517 (19.3%)

1583 (15.1%)


371 (13.8%)

1087 (10.4%)


72 (2.7%)

279 (2.6%)

 Repeat revascularization

74 (2.8%)

217 (2.1%)

 With prior MI or PCI (n = 5753)

With FHpCVD (n = 1214)

Without FHpCVD (n = 4539)

 All-cause mortality

167 (13.7%)

709 (15.6%)

 Non-fatal CVEs

230 (18.9%)

703 (15.5%)


154 (12.7%)

472 (10.4%)


41 (3.3%)

129 (2.8%)

 Repeat revascularization

35 (2.9%)

102 (2.3%)

 No prior MI or PCI (n = 7403)

With FHpCVD (n = 1470)

Without FHpCVD (n = 5933)

 All-cause mortality

128 (8.7%)

874 (14.7%)

 Non-fatal CVEs

287 (19.5%)

880 (14.8%)


217 (14.8%)

615 (10.4%)


31 (2.1%)

150 (2.5%)

 Repeat revascularization

39 (2.6%)

115 (1.9%)

  1. Data are represented as number (percentage)
  2. FHpCVD, family history of premature cardiovascular disease; CVE, cardiovascular event; ACS, acute coronary syndrome; TIA, transient ischemic attack; MI, myocardial infarction; PCI, percutaneous coronary intervention