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Table 1 Patients’ characteristics

From: Transesophageal echocardiography-guided percutaneous patent ductus arteriosus closure without fluoroscopy

Patients’ characteristics

Gender, n, male/female


Surgical age, years, mean ± SD

2.95 ± 1.75

Weight, kg, mean ± SD

10.25 ± 6.75

Type of PDA, n, tubular/conical


Diameters of ductus arteriosus, mm, mean ± SD

6.5 ± 2.6

Procedure time, minutes, mean ± SD

40.2 ± 7.3

Size of occluder, mm, range*

4–6 to 12–14

Hospital stay, days, mean ± SD

5.5 ± 0.5

  1. SD standard deviation
  2. *4/12 mm represents the pulmonary side disc of the occluder, and 6/14 mm represents the aortic side disc of the occluder