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Table 4 Comparison of pneumonia incidences in patients with vocal cord paralysis or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease between the two groups

From: Outcomes of early fiberoptic bronchoscopic sputum aspiration and lavage after thoracoscopic and laparoscopic esophageal cancer surgery: a randomized clinical trial


Study group (n = 53)

Control group (n = 53)


Patients with pneumonia/Patients with vocal cord paralysis, n/n (%)

1/7 (14.3%)

4/6 (66.7%)

< 0.05

Patients with pneumonia/Patients with COPD, n/n (%)

2/14 (14.3%)

6/11 (54.5%)

< 0.05

  1. COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease