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Table 2 Comparison of results between random effect model and fixed effect model

From: Risk factors for postoperative delirium in patients with Stanford type A aortic dissection: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Risk factor

Random effect model

Fixed effect model

OR/MD (95%CI)

OR/MD (95%CI)

ICU stay

3.24 (0.18, 6.31)

2.04 (1.30, 2.79)


4.40 (2.06, 6.73)

4.05 (2.99, 5.10)

Preoperative renal insufficiency

2.50 (1.04, 6.04)

2.04 (1.37, 3.02)

Cardiopulmonary bypass duration

19.54 (6.34, 32.74)

19.00 (12.18, 25.83)

Surgery duration

44.88 (5.99, 83.78)

35.32 (21.39, 49.24)

Mechanical ventilation time

1.14 (0.34, 1.94)

1.07 (0.89, 1.25)

Acute physiology and chronic health evaluation score

2.67 (0.37, 4.98)

3.15 (2.36, 3.93)

Postoperative renal insufficiency

2.82 (1.40, 5.68)

2.45 (1.75, 3.43)


3.56 (1.70, 7.44)

2.69 (2.07, 3.48)